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How to select a diamond tool

Diamond Blade
The Price: Decide which is most important to you: the initial price of the tool or the cost per cut. For
small jobs, or occasional use, a low-priced tool may be preferable. For larger jobs or regular use, a
higher-priced tool will actually be less expensive to use because it will deliver a lower cost per cut. For
really big jobs, the lowest possible sawing cost (cost per metre) is usually much more important
than the initial price.
2. Wet or Dry Cutting: Choosing wet or dry may be a matter of user preference or job requirement.
The use of water requires certain precautions to be taken if electrical equipment is to be used. For
concrete floor saws, wet cutting is usually preferred because you can cut deeper when
using water as a coolant. For tile and masonry saws, either wet or dry cutting tools can be used.
For high-speed cut-off saws, dry tools are more popular, but they are often used wet to control
dust. Wet tools and bits MUST be used with water. Dry cutting tools may be used either dry or
wet, as the job or equipment allows.
3. The Material to be Cut: Correctly identifying the material you are going to cut is the most important
factor in choosing a tool. It directly affects the cutting speed and the life of the tool. You will find
diamond tool application recommendations throughout the catalogue to help you select the correct tool
for the job. Most tools cut a range of materials. For maximum performance (cutting speed AND life), the
tool specification must be matched as closely as possible to the material which will be cut most often, or
the material for which top tool performance is most important.
4. Additional Useful Information: The diamond segment height: Diamond tool segment height by itself is
not a true measure of a tool's value. Many other factors also affect the performance of the tool; you
should also consider the diamond size, concentration and quality, the hardness of the bond, the cutting
power (torque) of the equipment; the segment and slot geometry of the steel centre, and how well the
blade specification is matched to the material being cut.
 5. Which type of rim to choose: A continuous smooth rim provides the smoothest cut in ceramic tiles
and ornamental stone. Continuous castellated rim blades or super-jointed segments may produce slight chipping
but generally have a longer life and lower cost per cut than continuous rim blades. Segmented blades provide
the longest life and lowest cost per cut but are only suitable for work where chipping is not a problem

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