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The size problem of diamond segment

"Hello Bruce, I measured diamond segments today,  some are different heights by up to 0.5 milimeter. This makes first cutting very difficult.Some segments are not in square. They have been manufactured on an angle. Can you tell me what has happened?"

This email from our American customer, he has been ordering the diamond segments for over 5 years. He complains the size problem of diamond segment for 2500mm circular blade, the size is 30*13*30mm he bought last order.

Here is our engineers' reply.

1. The height of diamond segment to be made at our side is 30.8mm since manual edging(grinding surface for welding) the segment will take 0.3-0.6mm off, and this deviation is in the permissible range which is under 0.5m. Then the height of segment becomes 29.9-30.5mm, most of height in 30-30.2mm.

If you can edging the segments more careful, then we can minify the deviation to less than 0.2mm. The size of our moulds is changeless,therefore, the height will never beyond the size of mould in the production.

2. About removing the burr on the edge of segment, since we were in a hurry last order, we didn't make the appearance neat, this time we already improved it.

3.At last, the height deviation will not affect the cutting because your circular blade is reach 2500mm. If this deviation is for small blade, then the cutting will be affected in a manner. Besides, some deviation may occur during welding. If the blade is not installed properly and balanced, the lean will be more than 0.5mm.

I have already taken some photos of our measurement. Please don't hold the segment when measuring. You can meausure it again.

Thank you for your time, your comments are really help us determine how we can better meet your needs.

2500mm diamond segment size

measure diamond segment

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