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Standard Description:

The ChinShine diamond core drill bits are particularly suitable for drilling holes in reinforced concrete or hard concrete.
Корончатые сверла ChinShine прекрасно работают практически со всеми сверлильными станками.
Качественные инструменты для эффективной и экономичной работы.

Введение продукта:

ChinShine Diamond Tools series of segmented core drill bits. Based on approximately 20 years of experience and expertise in the design and manufacture of diamond tools, our engineers have developed fast diamond core drill bits and life type core drill bits. ChinShine diamond core drill bits generally provide excellent drilling performance in wet conditions, suitable for asphalt, reinforced concrete, and other hard materials, but when drilling in high strength and high strength reinforced concrete, the true nature of these bits is released. ChinShine coring bits are a combination of special binders and very high-quality diamond crystals, resulting in a unique range of concrete core drill bits with unmatched drilling speeds and long tool life. In addition, the thin notch design of our drill greatly reduces the pressure during drilling, thus allowing faster penetration of the concrete. It provides the user with great work efficiency. At the same time, our competitive price, full size and available length are another great advantage.


Материал: Верхний алмазный порошок + металлический порошок
Application: concrete, asphalt and brick.
Технология: лазерная сварка и серебряная сварка
Диаметр: все диаметры
Высота сегмента: 10 мм, 12 мм
Форма сегмента: Arix Roof, Arix Regular.
Резьба: 1-1/4 UNC, M41 и т.д.

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